Changes at Hasbro: Sally Carnota, Head of Retail Development for EMEA, promoted to Director of Retail Development and Consumer Products for the UK and EMEA; Moris Calasso, formerly Sanrio, appointed Director of Consumer Products for Southern Europe… Alessandro de Pestel, formerly Tommy Hilfiger, named Chief Marketing Officer at Under Armour, a post vacant since Andrew Donkin departed for Amazon last December… Tony Lewis, ex-Character World, appointed Sales Director at sleepwear supplier Groovy UK… Judi Alexander, formerly of housewares supplier Casabella, joins Town & Country Living at VP of Licensing and Marketing, replacing Neil Mandell, who retired…
Hasbro, Sally Carnota, Director of Retail Development and Consumer Products for the UK and EMEA, sally.carnota@hasbro.com
Groovy UK, Tony Lewis, Sales Dir., +44 844 372 7820
Town & Country Living, Judi Alexander, VP Licensing and Marketing, 732-364-2000, jalexander@tncliving.com
Under Armour, Alessandro de Pestel, Chief Marketing Officer, 410-468-2512