Save the date: Licensing Seminars, Milan 9th december 2019
On December 9th Licensing Italia, Licensing International’s representative office, in cooperation with PwC and Duesse Communication, will organize in Milan the “Licensing Seminars”, a training day dedicated completely to the licensing world.
The event will take place at the PwC headquarters in Milan. Qualified speakers, managers and entrepreneurs, will talk about news and current events in the licensing sector, including: intellectual property aspects related to virtual and augmented reality, the approach to licensing of the designers Premoli and Di Bella, the research on Italian families launched by Mondadori and Infovalue, a case study in the field of Retail licensing, the licensing experience of Museums, PwC’s Auditing work.
“The Licensing Seminars were born in 2007 with the aim of offering to licensing professionals an opportunity for discussion on topics of greatest interest and to share experiences with the goal of developing their business – declares Roberta Nebbia, Licensing Italia. Furthermore, training activities, carried out continuously for its members, are included in the Licensing International association, of which we are the representative office. The partnership with PwC is fundamental to guarantee a high level of the proposed contents. The format, by now consolidated, foresees an entire day in which authoritative licensing professionals tackle and deepen current topics for the sector, offering participants the opportunity to actively interact “.
Luisa Giuliana – Senior Manager of PwC Italia says: “The Licensing Seminars have been offering, for more than a decade, an unrepeatable opportunity to meet and compare the various operators in the Licensing world. Thanks to the presence of innovative speakers and the sharing of the most different experiences, they are an opportunity for growth and common enrichment”.
For information and registration write to: info@licensingitalia.it
The program of the day:
9:30 Welcome Coffee
10:15 – 11:00
The use of IP rights in different realities: real, virtual and augmented
Speaker: Marina Lanfranconi, Partner Studio Milalegal
11:00 -11:45
FAMILY TALKS: a new research perspective on Italian families
Speakers: Pamela Saiu, Market Research Manager – Mondadori Editore Spa; Fulvio Albertella – Partner Co-founder Infovalue
11:45 – 12:30
PREMOLI + DI BELLA: a “Hand Made” approach to the world of licensing
Speakers: Giovanni Premoli – Dario Di Bella, Creative Directors
12:30 -14:00Light Lunch
14:00 – 14:45
Innovation and creativity in retail licensing: the IED and Powerpuff Girls case history
Speaker: Ilaria Rossi, Director of Licensing – Turner Italy, Head of Licensing & Merchandising – Boing Spa
14:45 – 15:30
Museums and art exhibitions: technological innovation, digitalization and licensing. Correlations
Speakers: Fabio Zecchini – CTO & Co-Founder Musement; Paolo Giulini – VP Offer Development & Co-Founder Musement
15.30 – 16:15
Auditing: the Learning by Doing course of PwC
Speaker: Luisa Giuliana, Senior Manager – PwC Italia