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 Cloudco Launches Care Bears Sub-Brand

Cloudco (formerly American Greetings Entertainment) signs licensing agreements for Care Bears Baby, a sub-brand targeting the infant market, says company President Sean Gorman.

Happy Threads (t-shirts, onesies) has launched a collection at Target in the U.S., while Sambro (plush) is readying product for the UK. Kids Preferred also is selling plush in the U.S. through Kohl’s. While the core Care Bears program targets 6-11 year olds, Care Bears Baby has separate style guide featuring designs with more water colors and a more narrative story to separate it from the core IP, says Gorman.

Meanwhile, Turner is readying a teaser release to promote the new 48-episode, 11-min. Care Bears series that is slated to debut on Turner’s Boomerang in early January.  There also will be two, 22-min. specials and 20, 20-sec. shorts.

Cloudco expects to have a new U.S. toy licensee in place by the New York Toy Fair in February, says Gorman. Just Play has been the master toy licensee.

It’s also is making changes in licensing toys for international regions to give licensees more leeway in developing Care Bears products for local markets. “We are going to be a little bit more strategic in how we pick them and let them manage things locally on a culture-by-culture basis and with more strategic pricing,” says Gorman.


Cloudco, Sean Gorman, Pres., 310 429 4664


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