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A Precious Collection by Genius Vincent van Gogh  Launch of First Official Licensing Business in Japan image

A Precious Collection by Genius Vincent van Gogh Launch of First Official Licensing Business in Japan

Nippon Television Service Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo – Toshifumi Tadokoro, Representative Director) and Van Gogh Museum Enterprises B.V. (Amsterdam, the Netherlands –Adriaan Dönszelmann, Managing Director) owner of the intellectual property of Van Gogh’s masterpieces at the Van Gogh Museum, have signed the License Agreement with cooperation by Nippon Television Network Europe B.V. (Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Yuko Fuse, Managing Director), to act as a sole master licensee in Japan to launch a new licensing business in Japan with the Van Gogh Museum.
This Licensing business is an official international partnership with the Van Gogh Museum, which is one of the most visited art museums in the world.
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) had a great interest in Japan, by collecting Japanese prints Ukiyo-e and various documents concerning Japan.
“All my work is based to some extent on Japanese art.”
In Japan, Self-Portrait as a Painter, Sunflowers, The Yellow House are among the best known works by Vincent van Gogh.Japan Release
Japan Release 2
The Van Gogh Museum (1070 AJ Amsterdam, Netherlands) is home to the world’s largest collection of works by Vincent van Gogh, including 205 oil paintings, 500 drawings, 800 letters.  Through this precious collection, the Van Gogh Museum is known to be a “must-visit” site for art fans, especially the fans of Van Gogh, to learn about his life story and his great legacy.
The Van Gogh Museum enjoys more than two million visitors each year from the world including Japan.
The Van Gogh Museum has the largest collection in the world by Vincent Van Gogh, including the masterpiece Sunflowers, The Potato Eaters known to be in dark colors yet powerful, which is one of the early works, The Yellow House, Almond Blossom – the paintings of bright colors, and other impressive works of the landscapes in Auvers-sur-Oise where Vincent van Gogh spent his final years … the Van Gogh Museum is home to all these works familiar among the Japanese art fans.
Almond BlossomAlmond Blossom`
The Yellow House (The Street)The Yellow House (The Street)
Nippon Television Service, Inc. will launch the first official licensing business in Japan using the visuals of such masterpieces.
Through the licensing business using the precious collection of the Van Gogh Museum, Nippon Television Service, Inc. will make the footsteps and life, and artworks of Vincent van Gogh more accessible to Japanese public about the artist’s footsteps and his life, by developing in all fields of merchandising today.  We are certain the development of licensing business in Japan which Vincent van Gogh dreamed of and was influenced in his style of art will be very significant.
The important purpose of this licensing business is to increase awareness of Van Gogh’s heritage to wider audience by developing new products inspired by Van Gogh’s vision and artworks.
Furthermore, by this licensing business, we hope to contribute to the mission of the Van Gogh Museum, to preserve and maintain its collection of artworks and to develop its activities for wider audience.
Takashi Sakamoto
Sales Development, Nippon Television Service, Inc.

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