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Bing Gets Moving for the NSPCC’s Childhood Day Mile image

Bing Gets Moving for the NSPCC’s Childhood Day Mile

London, 18th April 2023 – Acamar Films, the independent creative studio that produces the award-winning pre-school animation Bing, are partnering with the NSPCC for the second year in a row for Childhood Day, the charity’s annual flagship day of fundraising.

On Friday 9th June 2023, the NSPCC and Bing will celebrate the Childhood Day Mile, encouraging nurseries, children and their families to move a mile, any way they would like, to help support the NSPCC’s vital work. Those taking part will raise money to keep children across the UK safe by getting active; be it walking, hopping, skipping, scooting or even ‘vooshing’ a mile, just like Bing.

“Last year’s Big Breaktime collaboration with Bing was a great way to connect more effectively with nurseries and pre-schoolers on the road towards our fundraising goals,”commented Louise McCourt, Senior Strategic and Commercial Partnerships Manager at NSPCC. “This year as we ask people to go the extra mile for Childhood Day, we hope that Bing will continue to inspire little ones to take part and have fun along the way.”

Bing resources, packed full of Bing-inspired ideas as to how children could move their mile, alongside themed activity sheets and certificates, will be available on the NSPCC website for nurseries and early years practitioners to download. Printed sticker packs and posters will be sent to registered nurseries to support their fundraising efforts. This year, nurseries will also have the opportunity to win a Childhood Day visit from Bing and Flop, to help cheer on their miles. Nurseries and early years practitioners can sign up via the Schools Childhood Day Mile page.

“It is really wonderful to be supporting the NSPCC for another year on Childhood Day, especially on a campaign that encourages movement and activity,” said Nikica Markot-David, Chief Production and Editorial Officer. “Bing is always moving, whether it is running and playing in the park, walking through the Howly woods or learning how to do big skips, and we cannot wait to see how young children choose to cover their mile and raise money for such an important charity.”

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