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Desk Details: Bernhard Glöggler, VP and Managing Director of Sesame Workshop Europe image

Desk Details: Bernhard Glöggler, VP and Managing Director of Sesame Workshop Europe

The global licensing community is guided by an incredible group of senior executives whose diverse backgrounds and creative energy drive innovation and excellence. Each month, we’re profiling one of these professionals in this ongoing series.

How do you start your day?
On a workday, I usually start with a few minutes of writing down what is going to be the most important things that need to be done and the most important calls that need to be made. I am also reading some digital news portals on the way to the office. There, the team and I start our day with an informal catch-up.

What’s one item you always need on your desk?
Classic Post-its for quick, handmade notes as reminders for urgent and important topics.

What unique skill or characteristic do you bring to your team?
I enjoy thinking in scenarios before making a final decision. With this I am bringing a very balanced view on things, and I am thinking through what implications certain decisions might have further down the road.

What is something you learned at a previous job that prepared you for your current role?
A key learning from previous roles for me is being a generalist rather than a specialist. This helps my team to share ideas and develop strategies that they, as specialists, can easily move on afterwards.

What is your favorite aspect of your current role?
At Sesame Workshop no day is like the other and every day is a sunny day. For me it is exactly the variety of different aspects and multiple businesses and territories that makes any day unique and my position so exciting.

What is one thing you would change about the licensing industry?
Creating long-term partnerships rather than quick deal making is what I am currently focusing on in our business relationships.

If you had an extra hour in your workday, how would you use it?
I would spend the extra hour with people from outside the industry that have different business backgrounds to discuss ideas and methods. I am convinced that we learn in open exchange and then can adapt what seems promising.

What is one thing you need to do every day to feel accomplished?
At the end of a workday, I reflect on the things that worked well. This helps me to end the day and then start fresh and motivated the following morning.

Are you a carry-on or checked bag traveler?
Until recently I was a convinced checked bag traveler, but I changed this summer (and still feel a bit uncomfortable with just carry-on luggage).

What do you always have in your suitcase on a work trip?
A printed book that I am reading.

If you weren’t in licensing, what would you be doing?
Playing tennis more often.

What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?
Being as clear as possible about your values, priorities, and goals will make your life much easier. Being a reliable partner and colleague is the most important characteristic to become successful.

What are you most excited about moving forward?
I am a convinced optimist. I believe that with every change new opportunities are coming up. With that mindset, I can better manage different situations. We humans can adjust to so much. A quote that resonates with me is from Mark Twain: “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

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