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Desk Details: Francine Duncan, President & Co-Founder at FarVision Studios image

Desk Details: Francine Duncan, President & Co-Founder at FarVision Studios

The global licensing community is guided by an incredible group of senior executives whose diverse backgrounds and creative energy drive innovation and excellence. Each month, we’re profiling one of these professionals in this ongoing series.

How do you start your day?
I check my online calendar for the day to remind myself of my meetings and tasks, and the following days to remind myself of upcoming work and preparation for upcoming meetings.

What’s one item you always need on your desk?
A paper notepad. I still tend to write quick notes, new ideas, and reminders to myself, even though most of my work is done via my digital tools like a PC, iPad mini, or cell phone.

What unique skill or characteristic do you bring to your team?
A wide range of experience in different roles and work done in different industries. I am an artist, graphic designer, entrepreneur, and program and project manager who has worked with business and IT teams. I bring best practices from different areas to the projects I work on.

What is something you learned at a previous job that prepared you for your current role?
I was fortunate to be able to work with senior executives at a very large company as a program and project manager. This work provided direct insight around how to communicate effectively with top-level management teams, understand corporate communications and budgeting processes, and accomplish the goals I was involved in implementing with my direct management and team members.

What is your favorite aspect of your current role?
Working on my own creative projects, based on my concepts, and seeing them “come to life.” It is very exciting. As a licensor and creator, I worked on the concepts for our first product, the G.A.M.M.A. Force® mobile game based on our original IP with my late partner, my mother, Sylvia Rosen.* We started with sketches and a story and now I am ready to launch a new mobile game for iOS and Android devices!

What is one thing you would change about the licensing industry?
Enable members of the industry to provide more visibility and opportunities for new brands to be exposed within the industry.

If you had an extra hour in your workday, how would you use it?
As an artist, I would love to do more pencil sketching, which I really enjoy.

What is one thing you need to do every day to feel accomplished?
Finish most or all of the items on my daily checklist.

Are you a carry-on or checked bag traveler?
It depends on the type and length of travel, but I always have a carry-on.

What do you always have in your suitcase on a work trip?
A small sketchpad and assortment of pencils for sketching during free time and jotting down new ideas.

If you weren’t in licensing, what would you be doing?
I would be more heavily involved in the fine arts world as a painter.

What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?
I would have told myself to be more confident in my abilities to conceptualize and manage projects.

What are you most excited about in 2023?
The launch of the beta release of FarVision’s mobile game, G.A.M.M.A. Force®. We are currently testing the release build and hope to have it uploaded to the Apple and Google stores soon. The initial goal is to deliver a minimum viable product to introduce the concept and begin to build a community of players as the first steps in building visibility for G.A.M.M.A. Force® as a brand. For our next release, we hope to develop gameplay that can integrate with toy products and other related brand merchandise, including comics, apparel, accessories, and books.


*FarVision suffered a great loss when founder Sylvia Rosen passed away several years ago. She created the original concepts for G.A.M.M.A. Force and inspired everyone to continuously achieve and learn. Sylvia had many years of industry experience as a well-known fashion designer, design director, business owner, and merchandiser. Also devoted to teaching, she was an associate professor at Parsons School of Design in New York City and Drexel University in Philadelphia, as well as a successful author of design books.

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