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Don't Leave Money on the Table. Get the Most Out of Your Licensed Property image

Don't Leave Money on the Table. Get the Most Out of Your Licensed Property

November 30th Webinar will Demonstrate Benefits for Both Licensees and Licensors

New York, NY – November 21, 2016 – FADEL®, a leading provider of cloud-based intellectual property (IP) rights and royalty management software, recently launched a solution to help licensees gain control of their licensed assets, from negotiation to payment. FADEL’s product suite now helps both licensees and licensors improve accuracy and reporting by managing contract rights, identifying licensing violations and automating both royalty calculations and statement generation.  FADEL will be hosting an hour-long webinaron Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 8AM PST / 11AM EST / 4PM GMT entitled “Don’t Leave Money On The Table – Get The Most Out Of Your Licensed Property.” The discussion will address both sides of the licensee/licensor coin, and demonstrate how FADEL’s cloud-based software can bring relief to accounting, legal, sales and licensing teams that are spending significant time and money managing IP rights and royalties.
When licensees make an investment in intellectual property, the objective is naturally to monetize that investment to its fullest potential. However, lack of visibility into contract terms and usage analytics leads to inefficiencies and missed opportunities that erode profits. FADEL IPM Suite™ helps licensees maximize the value of their licensed IP. The cloud-based rights and royalty management platform offers licensees four distinct advantages:
Pay lower royalties. FADEL’s research shows many licensees are overpaying royalties by as much as 15%, and tying up capital in reserve and contingency funds, “just in case.”
Earn more royalties. By keeping track of deal terms, under-exploited properties and missed opportunities are immediately apparent.
Reduce manual processes. Automated royalty accounting, licensor-specific statement generation and on-demand reporting for audit response mean less time spent on back office work—and more time for deals.
Negotiate better deals. Licensees who demonstrate they have good systems in place to protect their licensors’ revenue and brands are in a better position to get the best new deals on the most favorable terms.
Seven of the top 10 licensors in the world use FADEL software to tackle the complexities of managing licensed assets from a different angle. FADEL IPM Suite helps licensors regain control of five of their biggest pain points:
Lack of Visibility into Licensee Usage. Statistics show that as much at 70% of self-reporting on licensing contracts is inaccurate. When licensors are getting erroneous sales data, it means they will have to spend time and money on audits in order to enforce royalties and rates.
Overlooking License Violations. Due to complex terms, the lack of information flowing to rights departments and poor visibility into negotiated usage, many licensors miss violations, which means they are essentially giving IP away for free.
Accounting and Legal Costs. Contract reviews, dispute resolution and litigation are all costly endeavors, yet without insight into usage, they’re necessary to make sure you are getting paid for your licensed property.
Poor Forecasting. When you don’t know how your IP is performing, it is difficult to accurately forecast future costs and revenues as well as take advantage of growth opportunities.
Under- and Overpayments. Clearly, licensors are losing money when a licensee underpays for usage. However, overpayments have their own hidden costs. Accounting and administrative fees are incurred when you must true up accounts and process refunds.
FADEL works with its clients to stay ahead of the curve, constantly releasing new updates and features that are available immediately, in the cloud.


FADEL is a provider of cloud-based Intellectual Property Rights and Royalty Management software for Media, Entertainment, Publishing, Broadcasting, Advertising and High Tech. Built on a robust and adaptable architecture, FADEL IP Management software has been recognized for its end-to-end capabilities across the IP licensing lifecycle – from negotiation to payment. The trusted authority for the tracking and monetization of intellectual property usage, FADEL enables businesses to verify, capture and manage rights and royalties for their IP assets through its portfolio of software and expert services. Founded in 2003, FADEL is headquartered in Rye, New York, and also operates offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, and Lebanon. For more information, visit

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