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Ediciones Just Launches Key4Communications image

Ediciones Just Launches Key4Communications

Ediciones Just, a publishing company specializing in B2B communication since 1962, had introduced Key4Communications at the Hong Kong Toy, Baby Products and Licensing Fair, being held this January 10th-13th in Hong Kong, China.  Key4 is the new platform for on-line B2B communication, specifically designed for professionals in the toy, babycare and licensing businesses.
Key4 is a professional communication website which serves as business information platform across the toy, babycare and licensing sectors.  The use of web 2.0 standards allow for universal access so that users can access or receive up-to-date information relevant to their sector from any multimedia device.
Information is paramount for the professional’s day-to-day business activities.  Being current with the latest market news from your sector facilitates strategic planning and tactics.
Key4 makes all of its paid content available to users in just 3 steps if you are not signed into the system and in only 5 steps if you are neither registered nor signed in.
Ediciones Just’s new innovative new technological project reflects the values and business philosophy that have enabled this specialized publishing company to position itself as an international leader in professional communication for the toy, babycare and licensing sectors for the last 50 years.
Visit them at Spielwarenmesse (Germany) and at NY Toy Fair.
About Ediciones Just
Ediciones Just is a professional media group with more than 45 years’ experience communicating with the Toy, Babycare and Licensing sectors through their own communication mediums, which has made them a reference point for Spanish and Portuguese professionals.
Ediciones Just publishes Juguetes B2B, which has been the magazine for toy professionals since 1962, Puericultura Market, informing the babycare sector since 1992 and Licencias Actualidad, the professional magazine for the licensing business since 1998.
The fruit of three the generations of hard work and labor which have gone into Ediciones Just have created a company which, for decades, has been counted among the premiere professional publishers, not only in Spain, but internationally, and even more so in the toy, babycare and licensing sectors. 
Magazines published by Ediciones Just
– Juguetes B2B, the spanish toy trade magazine since 1962
– Puericultura Market, the spanish babycare trade magazine since 1992
– Licencias Actualidad, the spanish licenisng trade magazine since 1998
For further info: or contact Jana Robles at

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