Coronavirus and Business Resource Center
We’ve assembled a few resources to help you to keep up with the latest official information regarding COVID-19, including some information relating directly to businesses. We welcome your suggestions of other sites to include. Send links to Marty Brochstein (mbrochstein@licensing.org)
World Health Organization: COVID-19
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel (CDC)
U.S. Department of Labor Offers Guidance for Preparing Workplaces for Coronavirus
McKinsey: COVID-19: Implications for Business
Korn Ferry: How You Can Deliver a Rapid Response to the Coronavirus
Delivering Good Responds to COVID-19
Remote Working Tips
23 Essential Tips for Working Remotely
Leading Remote Workers: The Coronavirus’ Impact On Effective Management
LogMeIn Emergency Kit