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Get Involved! Join the LIMA Board

Board of Directors


Thinking about becoming a member of the LIMA Board of Directors? Here’s a few reasons why it’s a great idea:

  • Engage with other industry leaders who want to make a difference – and have fun doing it!
  • Help drive the decision making that affects the overall industry
  • Have a stronger voice in the licensing industry
  • Elevate your presence in the industry as you continue to grow your career


If you are interested in being considered for nomination, or know someone who would make an excellent candidate for a Board position, then we encourage you to submit an application! Please note the following criteria:

  • Current LIMA member
  • Involved in the licensing industry for at least five years
  • Participation in at least one LIMA activity during the past three years (i.e. serving on a Committee or as a speaker/panelist at a LIMA-produced educational program)


Interested candidates should send an email to Charles Riotto at detailing their qualifying activities, along with a statement on what they feel they can contribute to the Association as a member of the Board. The Nominating Committee will review all entries and submit their recommendations to the current Board.  Upon approval, the slate will be presented to our membership for election in advance of the LIMA Annual Meeting in June.


Submissions must be received by Friday, February 10. LIMA is seeking submissions to fill openings on its Board of Directors, effective July 2017.


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  • Copyright © 2025 Licensing International
  • Translation provided by Google Translate, please pardon any shortcomings
