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Licensing Trio Set to Run 6 Marathons in 6 Days for the Light Fund image

Licensing Trio Set to Run 6 Marathons in 6 Days for the Light Fund

6 Marathon 6 days press release
Jason Easy (BBC), Katie Ball (BBC) and Ben Lowe (Roy Lowe & Sons) have challenged themselves to each complete 6 marathon distances in 6 consecutive days, all in the name of our favourite charitable body, the Light Fund.
Starting April 18th, the first five marathons will be ran along the Grand Union Canal, which goes from Birmingham to London, with the 6th to be the London Marathon. Each of the team will have ran 157.2 miles, over 470 miles completed as a team.
“The Light Fund hit the magical £1m mark last year, which was a fantastic milestone.”, says Ben, “We are hoping to carry that momentum forward in raising as much money as we can for what I am now beginning to think is a ridiculous idea taken too far to be able to back out!”
“We have had some great support through sponsorship already, and it is also a great opportunity to put our SockMine running socks to the ultimate test. So far, no blisters!” – Ben Lowe
The trio are inviting people from the industry to run with them for any part of the first 5 days; the more you run, the less you have to donate!
To keep up with the latest on their training, check out Ben’s blog on To make a donation, visit the team’s fundraising page, .

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