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Licensing University™ and CLS Registration Open

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Licensing University™
The 2015 Licensing University™ conference program, produced by LIMA, will take place June 8-11 during Licensing Expo in Las Vegas.  The program features 21 seminars exploring a broad range of topics for industry newcomers and experienced executives alike, including retail strategies, sports, social media and more.  LIMA will also introduce a new series of 16 short, interactive roundtable discussions on hot topics in business.  These 30-minute meetings will feature three rounds of eight separate discussion groups, giving attendees the opportunity to connect closely with industry experts as well as their licensing peers. Highlighting Licensing University will be the Executive Keynote Panel “Where Is Retail Headed, and How Will We Get There?” and the Digital Media Licensing Summit.  Click here to view the schedule. To register for the Expo and Licensing U, visit Licensing Expo online.

Coursework in Licensing Studies
Registration is now open for the 2015-16 Coursework in Licensing Studies (CLS) program!  CLS is an in-depth study of the business of licensing – and the industry’s only training ground to become a Certified Licensing Executive (CLE). This one year program is designed for professionals seeking a 360 degree view of licensing, led by industry frontrunners with expertise in various facets of the business, including branding, marketing, contract law, retail, and more. The 2015-16 program will begin on June 8, 2015 during Licensing University™ — coursework is completed by May 2016. Those students who successfully complete the CLS program and pass their certification exam will receive their CLE credential.  Click here to view the 2015-16 CLS Brochure, including course descriptions and dates.

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