LIMA Issues Call for Speakers for Licensing University™ Conference Program at Licensing International Expo 2011
LIMA is now accepting submissions for speakers and sessions for the Licensing University™ conference program to be held in conjunction with the Licensing International Expo 2011 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas.
The conference sessions will kick off on Sunday, June 12, 2011 with a retail tour of Las Vegas and run through Wednesday, June 15th. The Expo runs June 14-16, 2011.
Through hands-on workshops, panels and small discussion groups, classes will explore key industry topics and trends as well as provide networking opportunities for both newcomers and experienced businesspeople.
Topics of particular interest for 2011 include:
* Case studies on new product/property introductions and brand extensions
* Retail strategies and trends
* International licensing
* Social media marketing
* Food branding and licensing
* Corporate branding
* Music and celebrity licensing
* Sports licensing
* Art licensing
* Interactive and videogaming
* Sustainability
General conference topics include:
* Licensing and the law
* Managing growth in global markets
* Developing markets
* Marketing, strategy and promotion
* Retail partnerships
* Demographic and retail trends
* Growth opportunities
To become a moderator or learn more about speaking, click on the following link to fill out the Speaker Information and Application form:
Only on-line submissions will be accepted. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, October 13, 2010.