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LIMA Japan and Tokyo University of Science Graduate School Enter Into Industry-Academic Cooperation Agreement image

LIMA Japan and Tokyo University of Science Graduate School Enter Into Industry-Academic Cooperation Agreement

To contribute to the further growth of the Japanese licensing industry, LIMA Japan (Japan Licensing Business Organization) (Sachiko Imaizumi, Representative Director) and the Department of Master of Intellectual Property (MIP), Graduate School of Innovation Studies, Tokyo University of Science (represented by Professor Jinzo Fujino) have entered into an industry-academia cooperation agreement. The arrangement covers cooperation in people-to-people exchange, industry survey data and the sharing of university class facilities.

LIMA Japan and MIP aim to develop and educate licensing industry professionals to nurture skills and knowledge in theory and practice of processes across intellectual property development and its management and application in daily business.

A joint management committee will administer the partnership and select the topics for joint research and surveys.  A working group will be set up to undertake the research and conduct the surveys.

This new relationship marks the first time for a Japanese licensing business organization to join up with a professional graduate school specializing in intellectual property. LIMA Japan’s objective moving forward is to establish a wide network in the field of “non-technical based” intellectual property and will proactively seek to expand contacts with other academic institutions to reach this goal.

About LIMA Japan
LIMA Japan was established in 2002 as the Japan chapter of the New York, U.S.A.-based International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA), a worldwide 1,100-member trade association representing the global licensing industry. In 2011, LIMA Japan formalized into the Japan Licensing Business Organization, a general incorporated association (shadan houjin) and, based on a licensing agreement with LIMA, continues to actively provide its members with access to LIMA’s global network of licensing knowledge and data as well as conduct seminars and networking events.  An elected board of six directors oversees LIMA Japan, headed by its Representative Director, Sachiko Imaizumi, President of Plus Licens & Design TOKYO K.K.  LIMA Japan is managed on a daily basis by  its General Manager and director, Kaori Taniguchi.

About LIMA
Founded in 1985, the International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA) is the primary trade organization for the worldwide licensing industry.  LIMA’s mission is to bring together all segments of the industry for the advancement of professionalism in licensing through research, national and international seminars, trade events and publications.  With members in 35 countries, offices in New York, London, Munich, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, and representatives in Australia, Iberia, India, Italy, Korea, and Turkey members enjoy access to a wide variety of activities, resources and benefits.  For more information on LIMA sponsored trade shows, educational programming, networking opportunities and more, please visit  To learn more about LIMANET, the most complete network of Property Information and Licensing Professionals online, please visit

About Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Innovation Studies Department of Master of Intellectual Property (MIP)
is a professional graduate school specializing in intellectual property that was established in April 2005 with the objective to develop intellectual property professionals with expert knowledge across business, legal, licensing and creative content sectors.

MIP is located at Central Plaza, 2F, 4-25-1-12 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072, Japan

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