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LIMA Japan Global Licensing Committee Workshop: Overseas Character Retail Store Management Case Study image

LIMA Japan Global Licensing Committee Workshop: Overseas Character Retail Store Management Case Study

Developing and managing a character retail overseas will be the topic of this month’s Global Licensing Committee (GLC) meeting. LIMA Japan is honoured to welcome Mr. Ichiro Ando, Chairman of Benelic Inc. and Managing Director of Benelic Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) as its guest speaker.

Benelic is a well-known and established company active in the Japanese licensed character retailing scene. It develops and manages its own chain of character licensed product stores, and various cafes and restaurants. It also manufactures character goods for sale in its own outlets and into third party stores through its wholesaling operation. The Benelic store in Hong Kong is located in Harbour City, one of Hong Kong’s most popular and highly trafficked shopping malls. Mr. Ando will introduce the store through photographs, explaining its development, the difference in shopping habits and culture between Hong Kong and Japanese consumers, and other special points about localising a Japan retailing operation for the extremely competitive Hong Kong market.  Plenty of time will be set aside for an interactive discussion on the challenges and pitfalls of running a retail shop overseas.  Refreshments and networking will follow the talk. This month’s GLC meeting will take place at the Tokyo University of Science’s Morito Kinen Hall on Friday 24th April from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.  Doors open at 3 p.m.  Entrance is free for LIMA members and JPY1,000 for non-members. Spaces are limited to 30 participants.  The event is in Japanese only.

For further information in English, please contact LIMA Japan by email at

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