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LIMA Japan Seminar 2nd October:  Fundamentals and Applications of Licensing Style Guides image

LIMA Japan Seminar 2nd October: Fundamentals and Applications of Licensing Style Guides

The next seminar in LIMA Japan’s Licensing Education Program focuses on one of the most important aspects of any licensing program:  the style guide. This seminar presents a rare opportunity in Japan to learn about what a style guide is, its role as the key element of a creative strategy, and how to create one.  The event will take place on Friday 2nd October from 3:00-6:00 p.m. at Morito Memorial Hall, Tokyo University of Science, Iidabashi, Tokyo

The seminar will feature two speakers, Sachiko Imaizumi, president of Andfika, who will introduce what a style guide is and how to use it effectively, and Mio Watanabe, Senior Designer at Mattel Brands Consumer Products and president of Mio Co. Ltd., who will present a case study on Mattel’s Barbie style guide.  Each will be followed by a question and answer session.  Participants will also have the chance to talk with the speakers at a networking reception following the seminar (participation optional; separate payment required).

Seminar Participation Fee:
LIMA members – free
Charabiz Members – JPY27,000 (plus tax)
Others – JPY30,000 (plus tax)

Networking Reception Fee & Registration:
Approximately JPY5,000 (including tax)
– further Details and Registration (Japanese-language only):
– for information in English: contact Roger Berman at LIMA Japan:

Maximum No. of Participants: 40

Organized by: LIMA Japan (Japan Licensing Business Organization)

Supported by: Department of Master of Intellectual Property (MIP), Tokyo University of Science, Character Databank Co., Ltd.

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  • Translation provided by Google Translate, please pardon any shortcomings
