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LIMA Japan To Conduct Licensing Business Seminars at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2013 image

LIMA Japan To Conduct Licensing Business Seminars at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2013

LIMA Japan will conduct two licensing business seminars at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2013 (TAF) to be held on the business trade-only days of Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd March. The seminars, orientated to anime-related industry professionals, will cover key practical and legal aspects of the licensing business and will appeal to both beginners and anime industry veterans. Participation is ¥5,000 per person though LIMA Japan members will be able to attend free-of-charge. Attendance is limited to a maximum of 100 people per seminar on a first-to-register basis. The seminars will be Japanese only.

Seminar Program Outline

Essential Aspects of Licensing
10.30-12.00, Thursday 21st March 2013
This seminar will cover key practical aspects of licensing to successfully implement merchandising programs for anime productions. Participants will learn about license contract basics, character branding and management of the creative approval process. Presented by Sachiko Imaizumi, President, Plus Licens & Design, Tokyo K.K. & Representative Director, LIMA Japan (Japan Licensing Business Organization)

The Basics of Character Licensing Contracts
12.30-14.00, Thursday 21st March 2013
An important aspect of animation production is the exploitation of ancillary rights such as the monetization through merchandise licensing of characters that appear in a production. The licensing contract is a fundamental part of this strategy. The presenter, who deals with creative content-related contracts on a daily basis, will explain in easy terms the structure of licensing contracts covering topics such as the basis of character intellectual property rights, the major elements of the licensing contract, and other essential legal points.  Presented by Jun Kanazawa, Attorney-at-Law, Field-R Law Offices & LIMA Japan (Japan Licensing Business Organization) Member

To attend the seminars, first complete Business Day Pre-registration here (English), then apply to attend the seminar of your choice as follows:

•             LIMA Japan members: Free. Apply through the Japanese-language entry page here, then click the red “Apply” button at the bottom.  NB: entry details in Japanese only.
•             Non-LIMA members: Tickets, costing ¥5,000 per seminar, are on sale through the LOPPI online ticket purchase system at Lawson convenience stores nationwide.

About LIMA Japan
LIMA Japan was established in 2002 as the Japan chapter of the New York, U.S.A.-based International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA), a worldwide 1,100-member trade association representing the global licensing industry. In 2011, LIMA Japan formalized into the Japan Licensing Business Organization, a general incorporated association (shadan houjin) and, based on a licensing agreement with LIMA, continues to actively provide its members with access to LIMA’s global network of licensing knowledge and data as well as conduct seminars and networking events.  An elected board of six directors oversees LIMA Japan, headed by its Representative Director, Sachiko Imaizumi, President of Plus Licens & Design TOKYO K.K.  LIMA Japan is managed on a daily basis by its General Manager and director, Kaori Taniguchi.

About LIMA
Founded in 1985, the International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA) is the primary trade organization for the worldwide licensing industry.  LIMA’s mission is to bring together all segments of the industry for the advancement of professionalism in licensing through research, national and international seminars, trade events and publications.  With members in 35 countries, offices in New York, London, Munich, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, and representatives in Australia, Iberia, India, Italy, Korea, and Turkey members enjoy access to a wide variety of activities, resources and benefits.  For more information on LIMA sponsored trade shows, educational programming, networking opportunities and more, please visit  To learn more about LIMANET, the most complete network of Property Information and Licensing Professionals online, please visit



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