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LIMA Japan’s “Licensing Advice Clinics” Proving Popular image

LIMA Japan’s “Licensing Advice Clinics” Proving Popular

LIMA Japan regularly conducts its own version of Ask-The-Experts licensing advice clinics. The advice clinics are staffed by LIMA Japan support members such as lawyers, patent attorneys and licensing consultants who conduct 45 minute one-on-one, confidential consultations with participants.  Issues vary and include legal matters such as trademarking strategy and dealing with infringements and international licensing issues such as global development strategies and overseas agent selection. 

The service, free to LIMA Japan members, and only JPY5,000 (about US$50) for non-members, is widely appreciated with the Japanese licensing community. Non-members who become LIMA members within a certain time-frame following the consultation have their participation fee reimbursed.

For more information, contact Roger Berman at

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