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LIMA Japan’s One Day Intensive Education Program Attracts Full House image

LIMA Japan’s One Day Intensive Education Program Attracts Full House

LIMA Japan held a one day education program covering licensing basics on Thursday 24th July with the cooperation of the Tokyo University of Science’s Department of Master of Intellectual Property (MIP) at the latter’s classroom facility in Iidabashi, Tokyo.  The program attracted 50 participants made up of 30 LIMA Japan members and 20 non-members representing the full range of content-related business areas including game developers, publishers, broadcasters, licensing agents, printers, designers and animators. The day kicked off with Kaori Taniguchi, General Manager of LIMA Japan giving an industry overview and introducing various licensing statistics. Next, Sachiko Imaizumi, President of Andfika (formerly known as Plus Licens & Design Tokyo), and Representative Director of LIMA Japan presented on licensing basics covering contract administration, property management, and marketing issues. Finally, Kimihito Kato, Attorney-at-Law at Vasco Da Gama Offices, and LIMA Japan’s Statutory Advisor, will introduce the legal theory and basic practices associated with licensing. He will also give a detailed explanation of a merchandising license agreement.

The day finished with a wind-down networking dinner at a local restaurant with 20 attendees.

Feedback from the questionnaire indicated that whilst the program was primarily focused on general licensing basics, some participants would like future sessions to cover absolute beginner level content, and others would like to see an intermediate level program covering licensing issues in-depth. Based on the feedback, LIMA plans to develop further programs reflecting the feedback and covering other topics

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