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LIMA Members: Reserve Meeting Space at the LIMA Meeting Annex in Vegas! image

LIMA Members: Reserve Meeting Space at the LIMA Meeting Annex in Vegas!

As a benefit to our members, LIMA will once again offer a small meeting area, The LIMA Meeting Annex, on the show floor at Licensing Expo. Table space is limited and may be reserved in advance for those members wishing to hold a meeting during show hours.

Please note: International LIMA members must contact their respective Managing Director/Representative to book meeting space in our International Lounge.

The following procedures apply to all reservations:

  • Due  to high demand, each LIMA member company may make ONE reservation per day (no exceptions).
  • The LIMA Member who reserved the table MUST be present at the scheduled time – you cannot reserve a table for a client unless you are in attendance at the meeting.
  • Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Time limit at the tables is 45 minutes and will be regulated by a LIMA staff member. Please adhere to this time limit so as many members have access to the meeting space as possible.
  • We ask that you cooperate courteously with LIMA staff members and temps when they inform you that your time is up.
    • There will be a 5 minute grace period for all reservations, after which the time slot will be forfeited and re-assigned to another member requiring space on a walk-in/as needed basis.
    • Walk-up reservations will be accepted for LIMA Members during the Expo, subject to space availability.

Meeting time slots are booked as follows (PDT)

9:30 – 10:15am                                                            
10:15 – 11:00am
11:45am – 12:30pm                                                   


12:30 – 1:15pm
1:15 – 2:00pm
2:00 – 2:45pm
2:45 – 3:30pm
3:30 – 4:15pm
4:15 – 5:00pm

NOTE: On Thursday, the last appointment time slot will be 2:45 – 3:30pm.

The LIMA Meeting Annex is located adjacent to LIMA’s main booth at #A21 – please make sure the people you are meeting with go to the correct location.


Please provide the following information when requesting a reservation:
                □  First and last name
                □  LIMA member company name
                □  Cell phone number and contact information at the Expo
                □  Date of meeting
                □  Time of meeting requested

Only reservations sent via email to Leah Hunter at by Thursday, June 7 at 5:00pm EDT will be accommodated.  Telephone reservations will not be accepted.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation regarding the meeting space and reservation system.

See you in Vegas!

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  • Copyright © 2025 Licensing International
  • Translation provided by Google Translate, please pardon any shortcomings
