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Maya the Bee Continues Expansion Into Latin America image

Maya the Bee Continues Expansion Into Latin America

Breda, Netherlands, 19th March 2014: Studio 100 International, part of the leading global family entertainment company Studio 100 Group, today announces the appointment of two new licensing agents for global brand Maya the Bee in Latin America. These appointments will complement the work of Kopa Licensing in the Northern region and Andean countries.

IMC Licensing, are ideally placed to represent the brand in Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay with extensive experience in pre – school licensing and representing major studios such as Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Bros. Maya the Bee has been a regular favourite since September 2013 and is currently airing on Saturday and Sunday at 3.30pm on Disney Junior reaching families throughout the whole of Latin America.
EALL has also been appointed to represent Maya the Bee in Brazil. As the fifth largest country in the world and with a population of 192 million, this deal allows EALL to utilise its considerable experience within the pre-school sector and with major entertainment brands. Maya the Bee currently airs in Brazil on Saturday and Sunday at 5.00pm on Disney Junior.
Marie – Laure Marchand, International Licensing Director, commented ‘We are pleased to expand our Latin American reach with the support of IMC Licensing in the Southern region and EALL in Brazil so that parents who grew up the much loved character will soon to be able to share their affection for Maya the Bee with their own children.’
Notes to editors:
For further enquiries, please contact Kirsty Barr or Sara Wingrove at miPR on +44 1494 775250 or

About Studio 100
Studio 100, the leading global family entertainment company, was founded in 1996 by Gert Verhulst and Hans Bourlon. Its head office is located in Schelle, Belgium with offices across the world in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Australia.   Studio 100 has built up a truly 360º approach to family entertainment with five global brands at its heart: CGI-series Maya the Bee, which broadcasts in 134 countries and has over 300 licensees, Vic the Viking, which will air in over 46 countries, Heidi, which is currently in production with a new CGI series and live actions series House of Anubis & Hotel 13; as well as numerous entertainment properties aimed at local markets. Studio 100 has live action studios in Schelle and Londerzeel and CGI animation studios in Australia & Paris with focus on Maya the Bee, Vic the Viking and Heidi.  Studio 100 has built a number of iconic brands in Benelux including Samson and Gert, Plop, K3, Mega Mindy and Bumba.  With content based on these characters at its core, Studio 100 integrates these into film, theatre, music, digital platforms, publishing, merchandising, theme parks, live action and animation to ensure multiple consumer touch points for each brand.
The company’s animation expertise is evident in its two pioneering animation studios – Flying Bark, in Australia and the animation studio located in Paris, Studio 100 Animation.  Studio 100’s assets all adhere to its ethos of truth, family values and integrity and this morality has a global reach due to Studio 100’s family of licensees who are fundamental to the worldwide growth of Studio 100.
For further information, please visit the company’s websites:

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