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Maya the Bee: Movie Gets Box Office Buzzing

Maya the Bee: Movie Gets Box Office Buzzing

BREDA, THE NETHERLANDS, 14th April 2015: Studio 100 International, part of the leading global family entertainment company Studio 100 Group, today announces impressive box office figures for global brand, Maya Movie image-high res (640x339)Maya the Bee, in their first venture into cinema.
Maya the Bee: Movie, released in October 2014, has rolled-out globally and been sold to over 120 countries with outstanding admission numbers totaling more than 4.2 million. Studio 100’s leading property has taken a successful leap into film as fans across the world have continued to show their enthusiasm for the pre-school brand by purchasing cinema tickets.
Since the movie release last year, Maya has reached number one in the kids’ movie sector in the likes of Germany, South Korea, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia and, most recently, France, with 1 million admission* since the release in February 2015.
The movie release will roll-out in August across the Atlantic in South American countries; Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Chile; Central America and will premiere in the US in May. With support from movie distributor, Shout Factory, Studio 100 International has compiled an in-depth marketing, advertising and social media campaign that introduces Maya to the US market.
Christophe Drevet, International Consumer Products Director, comments, ‘We are thrilled with the response from families across the world; truly showing how well Maya the Bee resonates with pre-schoolers and parents. The movie is not only a great example of high quality CGI animation but also maintains the key brand values that have made the Maya the Bee series such a success.’
Studio 100’s flagship character has an extensive licensed range distributed across the world and since her CGI TV debut in 2012; Studio 100 International has pushed to secure more licensing partners prior to the movie release and is looking to extend the product portfolio further this year. Subsequently, Maya the Bee is now broadcast in more than 160 countries and has over 300 licensees.
For further enquiries regarding the Studio 100 Group please contact Sara Wingrove or Mary Lewis at miPR on +44 1494 775 250 or
About Studio 100:
Studio 100, the leading global family entertainment company, was founded in 1996 by Gert Verhulst and Hans Bourlon. Its head office is located in Schelle, Belgium with offices across the world in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Australia.
Studio 100 has built a truly 360º approach to family entertainment with five global brands at its heart: CGI-series Maya the Bee, which broadcasts in 160 countries and has over 300 licensees; Vic the Viking, which airs in over 60 countries;Heidi, which is currently in production with a new CGI series and has been sold to over 70 countries; and live actions series House of Anubis & Hotel 13. Studio 100’s portfolio also includes numerous entertainment properties aimed at local markets. Studio 100 has live action studios in Schelle and Londerzeel and CGI animation studios in Sydney & Paris with focus on Maya the Bee, Vic the Viking and Heidi. Studio 100 has built a number of iconic brands in its Benelux home markets including Samson and Gert, Plop, K3, Mega Mindy and Bumba.

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