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McFarlane Readies Fortnite Figures for December Delivery image

McFarlane Readies Fortnite Figures for December Delivery

McFarlane Toys will ship its first four Fortnite action figures in December, starting with Walmart, and has signed a new licensing agreement to bring its first Star Trek products to market, CEO Todd McFarlane tells us.

The seven-inch Fortnite figures – The Black Knight, Cuddles, Skull Trooper and Raptor— will be priced at $24-$29, packaged with a weapon and stand.

The game had 125 million registered users as of June, the title’s developer, Epic Games, has said.

“We are taking a big bite of the apple and we will have to see if the game people are playing feverishly will translate into ancillary products,” says McFarlane. “Everybody has high hopes for it, but does the paying customer also want it and to what degree?”

McFarlane is banking on sales of the Fortnite products to partly offset the loss of Toys R Us, which liquidated earlier this year. But unlike many toy suppliers who are counting on mass merchants to help pick up the slack, McFarlane expects online retailers to make up for his company’s lost sales.

The seven-inch Star Trek line, which is based on the TV series, will start with Captain Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard figures ($20-$25) and eventually include 15-20 characters, says McFarlane. The Star Trek product will launch at retail in October.  McFarlane also will field a 10-inch figure based on Blizzard Activision Entertainment’s Destiny 2 as the videogame property enters licensing for the first time.  The larger figure will be followed by six- and seven-inch versions.


McFarlane Toys, Todd McFarlane, CEO,  480-491-7070

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