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New LIMA Webinars in May – Legal; Cultural Do’s and Don’ts image

New LIMA Webinars in May – Legal; Cultural Do’s and Don’ts

LIMA’s popular webinar series continues in May with two brand new sessions!

Up first is “The Legal Side of Licensing: What Americans Need to Know About Europe, and Vice Versa” on May 1st.  With the internet making licensed product more accessible on a global sphere brand owners need to be aware that idiosyncrasies of their own national system may not translate when licensing intellectual property rights in other jurisdictions. This webinar aims to highlight the key differences between the European and US licensing systems and provide attendees with an insight into those matters which may need extra attention during the negotiation and conclusion of your IP licenses. The session will be presented by Michelle Lewiston and Louise McAdam, Solicitors at London-based Speechly Bircham.  Click here to register online.

On May 15th, we will feature “Thinking About Cultural Cues – And How to Avoid Mishaps” In the increasingly global licensing businesses, it’s important for companies to pay close attention to cultural do’s and don’ts when developing and designing their goods. Join us as Elie Dekel, President of Saban Brands, Jessica Metcalfe, blogger of Beyond Buckskin and Adrienne Keene, blogger of Native Appropriations discuss how the Paul Frank brand went through a learning process with the Native American community.  Click here to register online.

All webinars take place from 12:00-1:30pm Eastern and are free to current LIMA members ($200 per line for non-members)

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