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Registration Open for LIMA UK Licensing Essentials Course

How to make licensing work in-store, the value of research and protecting your IP are just some of the topical subjects being covered at this year’s Licensing Essentials Course, which is being run by LIMA UK on May 16 at top London venue, 51 Buckingham Gate at Crowne Plaza, St James, London.

Established as the best one-day educational event in licensing, this year’s programme includes speakers from high profile organisations such as ITV, the Science Museum, research giant GFK and Trading Standards. Suitable for everyone from total beginners to old hands, the day is packed with seminars covering best practice, essential licensing know-how, new opportunities and trends.

The day kicks off with an essential introduction to licensing by Kelvyn Gardner, Managing Director of LIMA UK. This will be followed by a programme jam-packed with advice and practical tips from the following speakers:
• Maggy Harris from ITV on the role of the licensor
• Gurdev Mattu from Fashion UK on successful licensing from the licensees’ perspective
• Anya Hollis, the Science Museum, on when characters meet culture
• Max Templeman, GFK, on the scope and value of research into consumer products and licensing
• Aysha Kidwai, from retail management consultancy, Indigo Lens, on making licensing work in-store for retailers, licensees and licensors
• Sean Rovai/John McCrohan from Trading Standards on trading standards’ role in protecting IP rights
• Henna Riaz, Managing Partner, 360 Audit on financial know-how
• John Burns, Partner, Gateley Solicitors on legal essentials

At 5pm, the annual Legendary Licensing Debate will start, with a panel of industry leaders taking questions from the audience. This lively event always sparks plenty of discussion and last year’s subjects included how to cope with the current retail environment, combating prejudices about the licensing industry’s role and ensuring positive relationships between licensors and licensees. More details on the panel will be announced soon.

The day is rounded off by the much-anticipated Spring Fling networking party – one of the industry’s hottest tickets of the year. The party was attended by over 200 licensing and retail professionals last year and takes place in the glamorous surroundings of the courtyard at 51 Buckingham Gate.

Kelvyn Gardner, Managing Director of LIMA UK, comments: “In one day participants will get enough information to understand how licensing works, how to go about it, the resources they need and who they need to work with – as well as exclusive insights into trends not available anywhere else. Our Spring Fling party in the evening also gives people the opportunity to build valuable business relationships, discuss important issues and catch up with contacts. Do not miss it!”

The 2013 Licensing Essentials Course and Spring Fling Networking party is now open for bookings. Call Ryan Beaird at LIMA on +44 1908 802 863 or email to reserve a ticket or register online at Early bird discounts are available for tickets booked before 26th April 2013.

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