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Rust-Oleum and Dubois Chemicals Announce Licensing Program image

Rust-Oleum and Dubois Chemicals Announce Licensing Program

VERNON HILLS, Ill. March 20, 2017— Rust-Oleum Corporation announced today that it has formed a licensing program with Dubois Chemicals. Company leaders say the move will further strengthen consumer confidence in the Dubois line of car wash products.
A global leader in manufacturing paints and coatings since 1921, Rust-Oleum executives say the agreement is a win-win for both businesses.
“Our brand has been associated with quality, innovation and corrosion prevention for nearly 100 years,” said Michael Vitucci, vice president for business development at Rust-Oleum. “We’re honored to add our name as a symbol of confidence to an already strong brand.”
As the licensor, Rust-Oleum ensures that Dubois’ products have been extensively tested for quality and contain the most effective protection properties available. Based in Ohio, DuBois manufactures a full line of the highest quality detergents, polishes and protectants and auxiliary car care products sold under the names Blendco Systems, C.A.R. Products, Red Rhino, and Bullet Proof.
Dubois leaders say they see value in capitalizing Rust-Oleum’s brand awareness especially in the world of preventative coatings.
“We work tirelessly to innovate new products that provide real benefits to carwash consumers worldwide,” said Brent McCurdy, president of the transportation group at Dubois. “The new Rust-Oleum line of products represents the highest quality and protection ever offered by DuBois and sets a new higher standard for the industry.”
The deal was brokered by The Valen Group – a strategic brand licensing, consulting and innovation firm based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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