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Sanrio Establishes Sanrio Foundation image

Sanrio Establishes Sanrio Foundation

Sanrio is proud to announce that in October 2010 the Sanrio Foundation was established.
The main mission of Sanrio Foundation is to bring smiles and help to children in hospitals around the world.
Sanrio Foundation brings Hello Kitty mascot and other Sanrio characters to the hospitals, where they interact with little patients by distributing small gifts, taking pictures and even organising birthday celebrations for the most needing ones.
In the more underprivileged countries, Sanrio Foundation supports the hospitals themselves by donating the primary necessities and essential products. The image of Sanrio’s characters is also given free to the hospitals to decorate children’s rooms and spaces or producing social purpose products. Anything to make children’s stay at the hospital less painful.
Sanrio Foundation will operate in different countries working with local charity organisations to reach the biggest possible number of hospitals as well as collaborating on common projects, fund-raisings and social activities.
Sanrio Foundation has moved its first steps in 2010 by visiting the hospitals in Italy, Romania and Ukraine.
Roberto Lanzi, the President of the Foundation declares: “I will be thankful to Sanrio for all my life for giving me the possibility of taking care of the Foundation. I have been active in charity since I was 15 and, please believe me, there is nothing in our life that can you give you more satisfaction than this, no cars, boats, watches and money can give us more than a smile of a kid.”
Sanrio has been involved in many different charity programmes over the years. The structure of the company as social communication business as well as its philosophy “Small Gift Big Smile” show how important for Sanrio is bringing smiles and spreading happiness. Hello Kitty, the most popular Sanrio character has been a Unicef ambassador and friend of children since 1983.
Sanrio Foundation would like to thank all for the support received so far and it hopes to be able to bring smiles to all needing children with even more subsidy.

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