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Shine this summer with the “Pop-timistic” dUCk X Chupa Chups Fashion Collection image

Shine this summer with the “Pop-timistic” dUCk X Chupa Chups Fashion Collection

Perfetti Van Melle group has teamed up with prestigious Malaysian fashion company The dUCk Group, to create a colorful and “POPtimistic” apparel collection featuring the well-known brands dUCk x Chupa Chups

This is a bright, upbeat and unique fashion collection. The complete line of apparel and scarf accessories features the Chupa Chups flower-power pattern, based on the iconic logo designed by famous Spanish artist Salvador Dalí.

This good-vibes, vibrant collection includes dresses, blouses, pants, skirts, twillies and scarves made from delicate, high-quality textured satin silk. dUCk has also developed a range of cute shopping bags to create looks that are perfectly coordinated from head to toe.

We are very excited about this new fashion collaboration with dUCk. They have captured the colorful fun essence of Chupa Chups perfectly, combining it with their own characteristic elegance. dUCk x Chupa Chups is a casual but high-end collection made with delicacy, love and taste. It’s going to be a real success!” says Vanessa Grande, Licensing Coordinator at Perfetti Van Melle.

Chupa Chups’s fun and creative personality are the values we cherish at dUCk so we are beyond excited to kick off our first collaboration of the year with such a renowned brand. And we are the first local brand to do so too,” said Vivy Yusof, founder of The dUCk Group. She continues, “So much is happening around us and, with this Chupa Chups collection, we hope to bring back some optimism and sweetness into your life.”

The dUCk x Chupa Chups limited edition range has been just launched in retail stores in Malaysia and Singapore, and is also online at dUCk’s website, for all those stylish, self-confident, optimistic women out there who are looking forward to indulging themselves a little!

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