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SSK SUPPLY Co., LTD. Opens Gallery & Boutique usagi on Shin Hing Street in Hong Kong image

SSK SUPPLY Co., LTD. Opens Gallery & Boutique usagi on Shin Hing Street in Hong Kong

SSK SUPPLY Co., Ltd. (President & CEO: Kushi Sakamaki, Office: Tokyo Japan) opened its own Gallery & Boutique usagi。 (Gallery & Boutique usagi。in Hong Kong) on Shin Hing Street, Hong Kong, on May 16, 2014. Following the store in Paris, France (Gallery & Boutique usagi。in Paris / 32 rue Saint-Roch Paris France; TEL: 0610-740-884), which has been highly appreciated by many customers since its open in July 2013, this is SSK SUPPLY’s second store.
The store offers a fine selection of goods, which our coordinators with a strong aesthetic sense choose from all over the world including Hong Kong, Paris, Japan, and New York, regardless of nationality or culture, for customers with a keen sense of style.
We hope you would enjoy shopping with us not only in France but also in Hong Kong.
Shop name usagi。(Gallery & Boutique usagi。in Hong Kong)
Address Shop – B, G/F, Wah Shin House, 6-10 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong
TEL Number – 1st Floor:⁺852 244 899 68 / 2nd Floor:⁺852 244 899 08
FAX Number- ⁺852 244 899 78
Target – Men and women in their 20s-40s
Commodity composition – Art goods, cosmetics, clothes, interior accessories, and original goods created in collaboration with artists
SSK SUPPLY Co., Ltd. Tokyo Office
Tamura Bldg. 3F 4-23-17 Higashi Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0013 Japan
TEL: 03-5911-7040 / FAX: 03-5911-7041
Person: Kushi Sakamaki / Kunihiro Imanaka

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