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Studio 100 Media and M4E Bringing Kukuli Worldwide to Youtube image

Studio 100 Media and M4E Bringing Kukuli Worldwide to Youtube

Studio 100 Media | m4e will be handling the worldwide AVOD rights for the Turkish show phenomenon “Kukuli” (excluding Turkey)

KUKULI_Press-Image03MUNICH, 19. June 2018 – The German media companies Studio 100 Media and m4e have signed an exclusive digital distribution contract with Turkish media company Fauna Production on the highly successful digital brand “Kukuli”. Studio 100 Media and m4e will place the show on YouTube worldwide, except in Turkey where Fauna Production is exploiting the brand. Studio 100 Media and m4e hold the English language rights, but will be entitled to produce and distribute local versions.
“Kukuli” is on the top five of the fastest growing fictional character pages on Facebook in the world and the biggest one in Turkey, reaching over one million fans already, at the same time the Turkish YouTube channel counts more than 500 million views. The show (21 x 6.5 minutes) has been sold to Turkey’s national and biggest broadcaster for kid’s content TRT COCUK. The licensing & merchandising program of “Kukuli” already comprises over 175 licensed products within Turkey.
The show’s main character Kukuli is a lovely, hyperactive monkey who sees life as a song to sing or dance to enjoy. Beauty is seen in everything and everywhere, which helps all characters of the show to have a beautiful and positive mind. Not thinking about past or future and keeping on the present moment is important. That reminds kids (including kids inside adults) that the present is a gift. 21 episodes of 4.5 minutes are available, as well as 21 x 2 minutes of unique songs with animation. Each song is related to an episode and both combined form a full episode of 6.5 minutes. Also available are six short episodes (between 40 seconds to 1:30 minutes), as well as 37 extra short episodes/gags in order to constantly interact with people online. Fauna Production is currently producing an additional 26 x 6.5 episodes for a new season.

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