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Submit Your 2018 LIMA Hall of Fame Recommendation image

Submit Your 2018 LIMA Hall of Fame Recommendation

LIMA Hall of Fame – Seeking Submissions!

Do you know of someone who is deserving of licensing’s highest honor?  Tell us all about them! We are looking for those people who have made a unique and lasting impact on our industry – from creators to marketers, to manufacturers and beyond!

The criteria outlined here ensures that this award continues to represent the highest level of licensing excellence. To be considered for induction into the 2018 Hall of Fame, your online recommendation – including a detailed and formal description of your candidate’s contribution and his or her adherence to the criteria – must be received by November 10, 2017.

The LIMA Board of Directors reviews all recommendations before making the final selection.

[button color=”blue” url=””]Hall of Fame Criteria & Submission Form[/button]

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