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The Sharpe Company To Rep Royal Armouries in the US and Canada image

The Sharpe Company To Rep Royal Armouries in the US and Canada

Royal ArmouriesRoyal Armouries
With its historical home in the Tower of London and three museums in the UK, the Royal Armouries is the UK’S national museum of arms and armour, one of the largest and finest collections of arms and armour in the world. Appointed by Licensing Management International, The Sharpe Company will be its Licensing representative in the US and Canada.
Royal ArmouriesRoyal Armouries
Dating back to the Middle Ages, the Royal Armouries’ celebrated core collection originated in England’s working arsenal, which was assembled over many centuries at the Tower of London. The museum collection is home to more than 75,000 items, having had objects on display for visitors since the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st in the 16th Century. The Royal Armouries’ attractions have more than two million visitors a year. The collections include the actual suits of armour and weapons used by, the Kings of England, from Henry VIII to James II. With recent interest in historic period entertainment such as Game of Thrones, The Tudors, The White Queen and Wolf Hall, the notable real-life characters of these world famous Kings and Queens should resonate with consumers.
The Sharpe Company will continue to extend the Royal Armouries mission statement of creating “official kit since 1415”,  with a host of new licensed product categories including collectables of all types, model soldiers, collector figures and suits of armour, publishing, print and stationery, men’s and women’s apparel and action figure playsets. All licensed items will be uniquely original and certificated as authentic by one of the oldest collection of arms and armour in the world.
To discover more about Royal Armouries, please e-mail Charlie Day at or call (310) 545-6839.

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