Viscofan Group Launches New “VISPICE” Spice Transfer Sheet Seasoning Solution
Las Vegas, NV, January 6, 2020: Viscofan Group, based in Spain and world leader in food casing with a value of over 2 Billion Euro is proud to announce the introduction of VISPICE, a new spice transfer sheet seasoning solution for cooking any protein. The first live cooking demonstration will take place at the FoodTech Live 2020 Media and Influencer Event from 6:00PM to 9:00PM on January 8, 2020 at the Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. During the demo VISPICE will cook a variety of different proteins with custom VISPICE sheets and various cooking methods (pan/flat grill, sous vide and George Forman Grill) to demonstrate both the uniqueness of the flavor profiles and the versatility of methods of preparation.
VISPICE is a parchment or film transfer sheet containing customized spices that can be used to prepare chicken, beef, pork, fish and even beef or plant-based hamburgers, or added during the various stages of the food distribution chain. VISPICE can be used by consumer protein manufacturers during packaging, supermarkets at the meat and seafood counters. Spice companies can offer a consumer-pack of spice sheets to use on demand for home cooking. In addition, commissaries and chain restaurants can have their own spice formulas created on spice sheets that can provide cost savings during processing, preparing and cooking.
The Brand Liaison handles the licensing, partnerships, and sales for the VISPICE consumer market and will be seeking collaborations with food and spice brands, as well as major restaurant and food service channels.
“We’re excited to participate in FoodTech Live where we will cook different proteins with different VISPICE sheets with different cooking methods including flat grill/pan, sous vide and George Foreman Grill.” Stated Marino Gonzales Diaz, VISPICE OEM and Product Management VP.
VISPICE benefits:
- Extends shelf life, will increase shelf life of fish, poultry and other proteins
- Guarantees exact, safe and consistent spice transfer, no more wasted or expired spices
- After spices are transferred onto the protein it creates a barrier to bacteria contamination
- Retains moisture in protein when cooking while also preventing weight shrinkage
- Requires significantly less salt and no oil for flavor when cooking
- 1,000 tested spice recipes available, create your own blend or license a celebrity chef or food flavor brand
The sheets are produced at the VISPICE factory in Canada using a patented machine that applies a food-based glue and consistent calibrated custom spices onto a conveyor belt holding a roll of any substrate such as film, parchment or aluminum. After applying the spices, the sheets are cut to size and then vacuum sealed in quantity in BPA free plastic envelopes with a shelf life of one year.
FoodTech Live is the only event in Vegas during CES 2020 focused on foodtech and the smart kitchen. Join us for this exclusive event to showcase food and kitchen tech products and services to top tech and mainstream journalists along with leading industry influencers at the show’s hottest demo night.
If you would like to register for a ticket, please do using this link. FoodTech Live is a press and industry insider event, so make sure to include your LinkedIn link or a bio link so we can confirm you are a professional in the food, kitchen or food tech industry.
The Brand Liaison handles the licensing, partnerships, and sales for the VISPICE consumer market. “We have been assisting Viscofan for several years in developing VISPICE for consumers and look forward to bringing these unique products to market.” explained Brand Liaison President, Steven Heller. “This new process ensures the perfect flavor every time!”
VISPICE is the consumer version of Transformpack which was acquired by Viscofan Group in 2018. Prior to the acquisition, Transformpack spice sheets were only available to meat processing companies. The new VISPICE brand is targeted to the consumer market and can be added anywhere in the food distribution chain. Viscofan is the world’s leading producer and distributor of artificial casings for the meat industry, the only one with the main technologies available. Viscofan operates casing manufacturing sites in Spain, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic, China, Australia and New Zealand, and a commercial network that reaches more than 100 countries.
About The Brand Liaison:
The Brand Liaison is a boutique licensing agency focused on creating new revenue streams for our clients through licensing, strategic partnerships and other brand extension programs. For licensors, our goal is to commercialize opportunities that will extend our clients’ brands into cohesive product categories to maximize their licensing potential. For manufacturers, we assist in acquiring brands and developing strong licensing programs in order to create long term retail success. Our Sports Division helps manufacturers acquire professional sports and college licenses. In each case, we work closely with our clients to ensure that our brand extension activities complement the strategic goals and objectives of each client and brand that we represent. http://thebrandliaison.com
Sandy Goldman
The Brand Liaison, LLC
Tel: 561-213-0299