Desk Details: Simon Waters, Partner at The Licensing Insiders and President at World Builder
The global licensing community is guided by an incredible group of senior executives whose diverse backgrounds and creative energy drive innovation and excellence. Each month, we’re profiling one of these professionals in this ongoing series.
How do you start your day?
With the school run and then making any calls that I can do without taking my eye off the road, which means those calls need to be with people I know well.
What’s one item you always need on your desk?
A glass of iced water and my Remarkable. Sorry, that’s two.
What unique skill or characteristic do you bring to your team?
I’m a creative at heart, and it’s taken me a while to publicly admit that.
What is something you learned at a previous job that prepared you for your current role?
Being scrappy while being guided by a strong strategic plan. It’s so essential to learn to do both. But if there’s an arm wrestle to be had, scrappy usually wins. Especially when you’re running your own business.
What is your favorite aspect of your current role?
I love working with people I can genuinely call my partners. They’re not bosses or employees. There is no hierarchy of ideas. We have common goals and values and it’s unbelievably refreshing to work like that. I learn something from them every day.
What is one thing you would change about the licensing industry?
I encourage everyone to talk about licensing as a business model, not an end-goal. The end-goal is growth and engagement, which is far more appealing. A really well constructed franchise plan puts that business model into action. Without it—and we see this all the time—you end up with Random Acts of Licensing (RAL). RAL eats your margin, leaves money on the table, and makes your fans whimper.
If you had an extra hour in your workday, how would you use it?
I’d go to the gym. Or take a nap. Both work wonders when applied correctly.
What is one thing you need to do every day to feel accomplished?
Deliver something really good for a client. A deal, a result, an insight—as long as is takes them to the next step in their growth, I’m good.
Are you a carry-on or checked bag traveler?
100% carry on. I took my family and three young kids around Asia a few years ago and trained them all in the art of the carry-on.
What do you always have in your suitcase on a work trip?
Extra contact lenses. I’m terrified of not being able to see.
If you weren’t in licensing, what would you be doing?
A movie director or writing soundtracks and scripts. Preferably, all three.
What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?
All you have is now—it’ll work out in the end.
What are you most excited about moving forward?
The Licensing Insiders. Because we’ve previously run divisions and teams at all the majors, we’re using the experience to create a model that will benefit companies of all sizes and segments wanting to grow using licensing. Plus, we love this industry, and that alone excites me!