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LaurDIY signs with Pet First to Launch New Pet Line Inspired by her Love for Dogs image

LaurDIY signs with Pet First to Launch New Pet Line Inspired by her Love for Dogs

Celebration of “Hoomans” and “Doggo Love” Featuring Moosie, Unicorns and more

New York NY; May 8, 2018: Leading social influencers LaurDIY (@laurdiy) and her pet Moosie (@mooosetheminibully) are excited to announce a new partnership with Pets First, Inc., for a variety of pet products including leashes and collars, pet apparel and pet toys, all based on the icons and graphics provided by LaurDIY and inspired by her love for dogs.   LaurDIY and Moosie fans can even dress their dog to look like Moosie with one of the pet apparel styles and can wear matching outfits such as the now legendary LaurDIY’s unicorn onesie, which will be offered in doggie sizes.
Processed with VSCO with c2 presetFrom the first moment LaurDIY featured her dog Moosie in his debut called “Puppy Day” in June 2017, Moosie was an instant attraction on YouTube and Instagram, and now has his own audience of almost 1,000,000 followers on Instagram (@moosetheminibully), in addition to Lauren’s 18+ million followers across all major social feeds.  As part of her partnership with Pets First, LaurDIY will seek to inspire millions of fellow pet lovers to purchase the LaurDIY pet products in-store and will promote the services of potential retailers like pet grooming, training and even doggie day care.
Lauren is so excited to bring her love to life through this new line of the cute, fun, and fashion forward collars, leashes, pet clothing and toys: “My life revolves around my pup now and he’s the best thing to ever happen to me! He’s taught me so much and shown me a new kind of love. I can’t wait to share the fun things we’ve designed for Moosie and your pup, too!“
And Moosie adds:  “Each toy and doggo product will be personally tested and approved by me to ensure maximum funzies for you and your hooman.”
Pets First joins a roster of best-in-class licensing partners including Mattel, Incipio, C.R Gibson, Mad Engine, Kersheh Group, Plaid, and Cousin, as The Brand Liaison continues to build the LaurDIY licensing program across a variety of brand-right extensions.  LaurDIY licensing is managed by The Brand Liaison and represented by Select Management Group, and will be featured at Licensing Expo in Las Vegas May 22-24 at Brand Liaison Booth F-154.
For more information on LaurDIY licensing, contact Laurie Smith of The Brand Liaison at

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