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LIMA Japan Announces Seminar Program for Licensing Japan 2016 image

LIMA Japan Announces Seminar Program for Licensing Japan 2016

LIMA Japan is pleased to announce its character and brand licensing seminar program for the Licensing Japan 2016 trade show, taking place at Tokyo Big Sight from Wednesday 29th June to Friday 1st July, 2016. Licensing Japan is organized by Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd., and LIMA Japan is the Official Educational Provider for the show. This year marks the 6th year of LIMA Japan cooperation with Reed Exhibitions Japan.

A total of six seminars will take place during the three-day trade show. In addition to Charles Riotto, LIMA president presenting the latest industry trends and an analysis of LIMA’s annual Global Licensing Survey, other seminar themes include licensing basics, promotional rights utilization, and a topical licensing program case study. Areas covered are comprehensive and the program has been created to appeal to a wide ranging audience including licensing professionals such as licensors and licensees and also people interested in entering licensing for the first time.

Full details and registration for the seminars are available on the Licensing Japan website (Japanese-language only). Early-bird pricing is available at JPY4,000 per person until Friday 24th June; rising to the standard rate of JPY5,000 from Saturday 25 June. All seminars are on a pre-registration basis only. The seminar program will be conducted in Japanese, with the exception of seminar LJ-1 which will be in English with Japanese interpretation.

Seminar Program

Seminar LJ-1 (in English with Japanese interpretation)
Title: Accelerating the Globalization of Licensing –  The State of the Worldwide Industry Using LIMA’s Global Licensing Survey Data and Trend Analysis
Speaker: Charles Riotto, President of LIMA – International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association
Outline: Riotto, as head of LIMA, the world’s largest licensing business trade association, will explain the latest global data on licensed products by property category. He will also talk about the latest trends and how markets are changing.


Seminar LJ-2 (in Japanese)
Title: A Six Hour Wait! A Look Inside a Successful Character Cafe Collaboration
Speaker: Chihiro Tezuka, THE GUEST café & diner Producer, Entertainment Department, Parco Co., Ltd.
Outline: Collaborations between character properties and cafes have become increasingly conspicuous in recent years. Tezuka will present a case study of an initiative between character properties and THE GUEST café & diner, a dining spot that doubles as a venue for information dissemination. He will introduce Parco’s contents collaboration strategy for the café in broad terms and share the key points about the project’s success.


Seminar LJ-3 (in Japanese)
Title: Licensing Business Basics for Licensees
Speaker: Fumihiko “Pochi” Kusama, Professor, Intellectual Property Strategy, Graduate School of Innovation Studies, Tokyo University of Science & President, Brandog Co., Ltd.
Outline: Licensees, as users of character and brand merchandising rights, will learn fundamental points to strengthen their strategic planning and operational management skills. Kusama, a popular seminar presenter, will explain in simple terms points such as the organization of the licensing industry and the laws related to it, royalty rate structures, and negotiation with licensors.

Seminar LJ-4 (in Japanese)
Title: Basic Knowledge About Utilizing Characters for Advertising & Promotions
Speaker: Hiroaki Sano, General Manager, Rights Management Division, Merchandising Department, Hakuhodo Inc.
Outline: Sano is a richly-experienced advertising industry executive, specializing in rights clearances between various industries. He will introduce key information about utilizing characters and other types of properties for licensed promotions. Topics to be covered include risk management for rights processing, related laws, and avoiding contractual breaches. Participants will also learn about proactive methods to maximize profits.

Seminar LJ-5 (in Japanese)
Title: The Legal Structure of Licensing: Fast Facts
Speaker: Koichiro Murotani, Attorney-at-Law and Managing Partner, Murotani General Law Office & LIMA Japan Auditor
Outline: Since the licensing business involves various types of intellectual property rights, it is essential to understand various legal aspects as well as rights-related concepts. Starting with the basics, Murotani, an advisor to media-related companies, will explain about various legal matters with a focus on the Copyright Law.

Seminar LJ-6 (in Japanese)
Title: Over 5,000,000 Face Packs Sold! Secrets of a Kabuki Face Pack License
Speaker: Norihito Tomura, President, Issindo Honpo ,. Ltd.
Outline: A license merchandise program based on Kumadori Kabuki stage make-up resulted in an explosion of popularity for Issindo Honpo’s Kabuki design face packs. The product was so successful that it was covered by the Japanese and international media. Tomura will introduce his company’s public relations strategies and talk about the key success factors of the merchandising program.


About Licensing Japan



Dates: June 29 (Wed) – July 1 (Fri), 2016

Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Organised by: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.

LIMA (International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association) is the Official Education Provider for LICENSING JAPAN

If you are interested in exhibiting, special exhibition rates for LIMA members are available.. There are still booths available so please contact Kaori Taniguchi, LIMA Japan for more details.


About LIMA Japan

LIMA Japan was established in 2002 as the Japan chapter of the New York, U.S.A.-based International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA), a worldwide 1,100-member trade association representing the global licensing industry. In 2011, LIMA Japan formalized into the Japan Licensing Business Organization, a general incorporated association (shadan houjin). Based on a licensing agreement with LIMA, LIMA Japan continues to actively provide its members with access to LIMA’s global network of licensing knowledge and data as well as conduct seminars and networking events.  An elected board of directors oversees LIMA Japan, headed by its Chairperson, David Buckley, President of Copyrights Asia Ltd.  The LIMA Japan Secretariat is managed by Kaori Taniguchi, General Manager and Director.

For further information, please contact:

Kaori Taniguchi, General Manager
LIMA Japan
Eisen Building 8F, 1-6-3 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
Tel: +(81) 3-3591-2793 Fax: +(81) 3-3591-2665
Website: (Japanese) (International)

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  • Translation provided by Google Translate, please pardon any shortcomings
