Data & Business Insights
Licensing International’s collection of research, insights, expert analysis, and the latest industry news provides companies with the business intelligence necessary to keep their finger on the pulse of the brand licensing community.
Global Licensing Industry Study
The only comprehensive overview of the licensing industry, featuring retail and revenue figures broken out by country, category and business segment, as well as historical mapping and trend insights.
Free for members; $5,500 for non-members
BrandTrends Study
Exclusive, members-only research produced by BrandTrends measuring the awareness, popularity, and appeal of the most important brands to children in 10+ countries. Released twice a year, these reports offer a direct, timely view of what kids around the world are engaging with and reacting to.
Free for members
Euromonitor International Reports
These in-depth reports, produced by Euromonitor International, provide data on—and evaluation of—the critical trends impacting the global brand licensing business.
Free for members
Connect the news of the day with the business of brand licensing with free Newslinks – a daily news and aggregation service specifically designed to help executives stay up to speed. It is a quick, concise, and great way to start the business day.
Free for everyone
White Papers & Case Studies
Licensing International’s partners make white papers and case studies available to members of the brand licensing community that address key issues and trends for the global industry.
Additional Resources
Members can download sample brand licensing documents including a deal memo, a licensing representation agreement, and a domestic license agreement. In addition, Licensing International recommends brand licensing publications that can assist professionals in learning more about the industry.