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Natural History Museum Readies Dinosaur-Based Licensing Program image

Natural History Museum Readies Dinosaur-Based Licensing Program

The UK’s Natural History Museum (NHM) is extending its licensing program with a new style guide, this time featuring 12 dinosaur species and 26 illustrations designed for apparel, textiles and toys.

The guide represents the organization’s second major licensing design push this year. The designs were developed by museum staff based on illustrations from its Charles Darwin collection.

Earlier this year, the 86-store UK-based Oasis chain released a 34-piece “Wild and Wonderful” DTR women’s apparel collection drawn from plant and insect illustrations housed in the museum’s rare books library. A portion of the collection also was sold through the museum’s Cranbourne Boutique and distribution has expanded to House of Fraser and Debenhams.

Meanwhile, the NHM also reached a co-branding deal with the Roald Dahl Story Co. for science kits, puzzles and games, paper goods and other items targeting 5-11 year old children. The products will tie Dahl’s books (including “James and the Giant Peach” and “Matilda”) to the NHM’ s science program.


Natural History Museum, Maxine Lister, Senior Licensing Mgr., +44 207 942 5652

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