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Hall of Fame

The Licensing International Hall of Fame is home to the most esteemed global licensing executives of the last three decades, bastions of the industry who have shaped our business. Every year since 1989, at least one (and sometimes multiple) individuals are selected to join the ranks of licensing’s best and brightest.

Inductees are selected by a committee of industry executives based on nominations received from the global licensing community at large. The Licensing International Board of Directors reviews all recommendations before making a final selection.

Nominations for the 2025 Hall of Fame are open now and will close on Friday, March 7th, 2025. Please view the criteria below before submitting.

Past Hall of Fame Inductees

Hall of Fame Criteria


Candidates must have been actively involved in the business of licensing for a minimum of 15 years.

Body of Work

The depth and breadth of candidate’s contribution must be described.

Unique Contribution

The creation, development or advancement of a specific aspect or segment of the business.


Candidate’s contribution must have ongoing relevance to the industry.


Candidates must practice and uphold business ethics, principles, and integrity consistent with the professionalism and credibility of the licensing industry.

Nominate Someone

Nominations are currently closed and will reopen in 2025.

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  • Translation provided by Google Translate, please pardon any shortcomings
